Monday, 10 July 2017

Gut Instict

Hey Angel Mammas and Papas, I'm sorry this post is a little late I hope you will forgive me. As you know from last week we got our third positive pregnancy test and I had experienced some spotting. I had more spotting yesterday and a little pain and I was immediately panicked again. I had nightmares last night where a scan would show an empty sac and we would be going through our third loss, I even had a nightmare that I was attacked with a broken bottle near Rob's work, I awoke extremely stressed and very anxious, unable to relax or eat. We decided to stay off work today and see if we could get a scan at the EPU, luckily they called me back really quickly and agreed to give me a scan. I was told to do a pregnancy test before setting off and it was a blazing positive which showed up within seconds of peeing on the stick. Rob was excited about seeing The Pie but I couldn't shake the feeling that I had in my gut that something was wrong. Finally we got into the ultrasound room and they decided to do an abdominal scan, the silence when the sonographer is trying to find the foetus is unbearable, all I can do is hold my breath and hold onto Rob as tight as I can. Then she confirms the heartbeat is there and says it's ok to breathe now, the relief exhales out of me and I shed a few tears. We see the flicker of The Pie's heart and it is beautiful, Robs face is beaming and my mind is just full of everything, I try to take in every detail. The Pie in on my right side, he still looks like a little tadpole measuring 9.4mm - 7 Weeks gestation. However, some fluid was found below and separate to the gestational sac which is the likely cause of the spotting. The official diagnosis is a subchorionic haemorrhage - the pooling of blood between the chorion (embryonic membrane) and the endometrium. In other words, the placenta has slightly detached from the original site of implantation. Mine measures at 19x11x13mm and is the likely cause of my spotting and will likely cause more spotting in the future, the nurses said it was nothing to worry about but as always to keep an eye on any spotting or bleeding that might occur and to call them if I cam concerned. 

You probably know by now that I have to research everything, I think it has something to do with my scientific background so of course I have researched subchorionic haemorrhage (or hematoma) since the diagnosis. First is it important to note that there a few different types, dependent on where they have formed in the uterus. The first is the most common form which is the same type as what I have. The second are located behind the placenta and do not contact the gestational sac and are referred to as Retroplacental hematomas. The third are the most rare and are found in the amnion there are known as subamniotic or preplacental hematomas. The presence of one can increase the risk of miscarriage by up to 7 per cent. Some women need progesterone or dydrogesterone supplements to prevent miscarriage from happening when one is found. This has concerned me slightly as there was nothing mentioned related to any treatment that I may need. I'm hoping that the hematomas is small enough to not pose any problems, however I will bring it up at my midwife appointment tomorrow just to be sure nothing has been missed. 

Some women are also told not to exercise and in rare cases told to get bed rest. I am glad I have decided (with the help of Rob aka Dr Hubz) to stop running since finding out we were pregnant. Who knows if it would have really made a difference but it shows my gut and my body were telling me not to do strenuous exercise. I know I can trust my gut feelings to get checked out as well, luckily it wasn't the worst case scenario but I knew something wasn't quite right and now it's been flagged. It pays to be persistent as a week or so ago when I first experienced the spotting I was sent on my way with no examination. I am so relieved that there was a heartbeat and I still can't quite believe it. We can only hope The Pie will stick around for another 7 months or so. 

My plan now is to try and get my stress and anxiety levels in check. Feeling sick with worry cannot be good for me or The Pie so I'm going to start meditating again and trying some very gentle yoga. I am also due to see my counsellor in the next couple of weeks so my mental health will hopefully become better and less erratic. 

Thank you for being there for me Angel Mammas and Papas I don't know what I would do without this amazing community xx

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